Norman Blake - You Are My SunshineI used to sing this song with my paternal grandparents when I was a little girl. My grandfather passed away 25 years ago. My grandmother passed away last week. Here are a few of the wonderful memories I have about my grandmother:
--I would often come to her house after school or spend summer days with her while I was a child. I loved spending time at her home. I would go through all of her jewelry and shoes.
--My grandmother knew how much I loved Hostess Ho-Hos and doing the crossword puzzle, so the summer before sixth grade my grandmother bought me a package of Ho-Hos and a Sun-Times every day.
--When "The Jeffersons" used to be on TV, I would call my grandparents as the opening theme began, and we would watch it together over the phone and laugh.
--I used to watch a locally produced show called "Polka Party" with my grandparents. I would sing along with them when they played Frankie Yankovic tapes in the 8-track player that was in their car.
--My grandparents bought my first bicycle.
--Over the past few years I called my grandmother every Wednesday. If, for some reason, I didn't call her by the time she expected to hear from me, she would become really worried that something happened to me.
--Every time I left her, she told me to be careful on my way home. It was one of the last things she ever said to me.
--For every birthday she would give me some money, but she always added my age to the amount. On my last birthday she added $31.
--I used to go to her apartment and she would tell me stories of her childhood.
--We would watch the Cubs together. She was a big sports fan, and she loved the Cubs and Tiger Woods.
--She was very excited when I went to England because she had never left North America.
--She loved flowers.
--She used to let me watch my favorite TV shows and listen to my favorite music in the car, and always acted interested in them. Whether she actually was or was just pretending to like what I had on, I felt like we were sharing something and that she cared about what I cared about.
--People I never met would know who I was, and tell me how much my grandma talked to them about me. She was very proud of me.
--I brought her back a t-shirt when I went to Montreal, and she loved it and wore it all the time.
--Almost every time we spoke she asked what I was planning to have for dinner, and would be concerned if I didn't know. She wanted me to eat well.
--She always asked if I had enough money, and told me to come to her if I ever needed any, even when she wasn't really in a position to give me any, such as when she was in the hospital.
--When I was named Student of the Month in high school, my grandma came to the ceremony.
--She would come to a few of my gymnastics meets and get teary eyed when I performed. She was there when I got the highest score of my competitive career. She was very proud and bragged to everyone that I was her granddaughter.
--We used to make latch hook rugs together.
--She was very excited when I took up knitting. She was amazed at what I could make, and was astounded that even though my mom only gave me a couple of lessons I was able to make so many beautiful things. She belonged to a craft group at her church, and she made sure that when one woman got rid of a set of needles and a skein of yarn she snapped them up to give to me. Last month I started knitting a blanket for her using colors she chose. I showed it to her after I had done a few sections. She passed away before I could finish it. I regret that I was never able to give her anything I had made. I plan to finish the blanket and donate it to a charity in her name.
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