Teddy Geiger - Underage Thinking

If it wasn't for the short-lived (and I hope soon to be picked up) show Love Monkey, I wouldn't know who Teddy Geiger is. But I loved that show, and fell in love with Teddy Geiger. His album Underage Thinking came on this week. I played it at work yesterday, and my officemate compared him to Gavin DeGraw. I don't really listen to Gavin DeGraw (should I be?), so I couldn't say for sure if that's a reasonable comparison or not. I do know that I really like this album.
Teddy Geiger - These Walls
Teddy Geiger - For You I Will (Confidence)
Teddy Geiger's Website
Purchase Underage Thinking
I like Gieger a lot. I don't think the DeGraw comparison is quite accurate, but can't put my finger on who he does remind me of.
I too really hope Love Monkey gets picked up!
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