And of course Henry the Horse dances the waltz!

I thought that sounded like a good idea, so I got in my car and randomly drove around. I hit Diversey and decided to take it further west than I normally do, then turned south on Naragansett, and then headed back east on Fullerton. I discovered a Pollo Campero restaurant, which I have decided I must try one of these days. Sometimes it's fun to get out and check out neighborhoods you normally have no reason to see.
In case you were wondering, the final chord of "A Day In the Life" hit when I was passing Riis Park.
hey, i just came across your blog by chance, but i like the sgt. pepper's experiment, i think i'll try it myself.
How cool! I'll have to try it. Can you believe my Dad has that on Vinyl? If he had never opened it (and if I hadn't listened to it nonstop as a kid) it would be worth a ton! It's worth more than that to me, anyway.
You both should give it a shot, it's a lot of fun.
My dad is not the biggest Beatles fan in the world. He doesn't dislike them, but he didn't really understand the hype, either. He also didn't really collect vinyl. My step-mom, on the other hand, loves music and saw Elvis live!!!! She has a ton of vinyl and keeps telling me to go through it.
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