I'm a fool for a lonesome train

At first I was a bit bummed about going to work today. My boyfriend is off until after the New Year, and it would have been nice to be able to stay home and chill out with him today. The Christmas long weekend was wonderful, but I feel like I need a long weekend to recover from my holiday weekend. So I made a compromise with myself. I stayed home in the morning so we could make a trip to our storage space, and then I went into work in the afternoon.
Shortly after leaving for work I realized that this was, in actuality, the best day to go to work. I got to the main road by my apartment, and there were hardly any pedestrians. I got on the train, and there were more people than I had expected, but it was by no means full. Most of the people looked like they were enjoying their day off, which made me feel bummed again. But that feeling wouldn't last.
As I was walking to work I again noticed that there weren't many pedestrians around. This was surprising to me as I work in a touristy area that's almost always busy, and I thought for sure there would be a ton of people doing their after-Christmas bargain hunting and gift card redeeming. There were a few of those people, but not as many as I thought. Normally I have to dodge shoppers/tourists from the moment I leave the train station until I get to work, but not today. No one was in my way! I grabbed some lunch at a place frequented by people who work in the area as well as tourists, and I got in and out quicker than usual.
But the best part was coming home. Because I work north of the Loop the train is almost always full when I get on it. Once in a while I get a seat, but usually I have to wait a few stops to be able to sit down. Not today. The train was nearly empty! There were fewer people on the train at rush hour than there had been in the afternoon. Not only did I get a seat, no one sat near me the whole way home! The car remained virtually empty! Score!
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